Electrical and Electronics Engineering Department


Welcome to the Department of Electrical and Electronic Engineering. This is one of the Engineering departments of Bondo Technical Training Institute. The Department offers Hands-on courses of high demand at different levels i.e. Artisan, Craft, Diploma, and Higher Diploma in Electrical Engineering. The Department also offers Competency Based Education Training (CBET) programs i.e. Electrical Installation levels 3, 4 & 5 and Electrical Engineering Power levels 5 and 6.  All the Courses in the department are offered on a regular as well as part-time basis. The Department has seen significant growth in the past years and currently has an average student population of 500.

The Department currently has a committed staff of 19 of whom 18 are Trainers and one Technician. Three of the Trainers are Female while 15 are Male. The Department strives to provide its Trainees with appropriate knowledge and practical skills in electrical engineering so that they become well-rounded engineering Technicians, who will not only be technically adept but also disciplined and morally upstanding.