Board of Governors

As a Board, we are committed to ensuring that we produce graduates who have the right Attitudes, Skills, and Knowledge (ASK). We have also continued to stay focused on our mandate as per the TVET Act 2013 and we actualize these responsibilities through strategic planning and performance contract engagements. The Board has also focused on ensuring the prudent use of financial resources by giving the oversight function. With the support of the management, the Board continues to oversee the prudent management of college funds to guarantee financial stability and sustainability. We are among the few colleges which have managed to remit all their statutory deductions and ensure that we meet all our financial obligations as required by the law. We remain committed to our strategic focus of expanding the college following the Master Plan laid out during the College’s initiation stages. The College compound shows the layout of the following departments:-

  1. Administration Block
  2. College Library
  3. Building and Civil Engineering Department
  4. Electrical and Electronics Engineering Department
  5. ICT department
  6. Students’ hostels
  7. Staff Houses

It is worth noting that the infrastructure currently in place is the first phase of the Master Plan which is intended to go through 5 phases to completion.

The Board is committed to team spirit and focused leadership in realizing this developmental agenda. We will not relent on our quest to have quality services delivered to our clients, majorly students The College through the Board has continuously made concerted efforts to deliver on the commitment that the college has made to the people of Kenya and academia at large. We undertake to address the challenges facing the college in the best way possible. In particular, the Board is continuously monitoring the growth of the College in terms of student enrollment and is committed to expanding the human resource capacity to meet the growing needs of its population through competitive employment of additional staff. As a Board, we laud the administration led by the Principal, for implementing duly approved Ministry and Board policies. e also appreciate the efforts of the trainers and support staff for their strong team spirit and diligence at work.