Games & Sports


Bondo Technical Training Institute actively participates in co-curricular activities under the sports and recreation department. The department is headed by Sports Officer who is assisted by a Deputy Sports Officer. The department encourages the participation of all students in sports and recreational activities such as Ball games, Drama, Music, and Athletics among others. Courtesy of our Principal, BTTI gives the students the opportunity to show their talents which we nurture during their stay with us. The administration spends reasonable money to improve the training facilities for students and purchase of equipment which has improved students’ participation in
The college participates in sports organized by the Kenya Association of Technical Training Institutions (K AT T I ), Athletics Kenya Competitions, and tournaments organized by other sports associations. This gives our students an opportunity to show their talents from the Regional to National Level.

In 2022, Bondo Technical Training Institute presented THREE teams to the KATTI National Ball Games, namely; Handball, Netball, and Volleyball. Handball scooped position 3 overall, Netball number 4 overall, and volleyball proceeded up to quarters. We salute our sportsmen and women for representing the institution wholeheartedly.

Through the sports and recreation department, we engage both students and staff in sports and recreational activities and everyone is welcome to join any sports of their choice.
To the sportsmen and women who are graduating today, I would like to reiterate that as per my interaction with sportsmen and women, I have witnessed how sports can be a strong pillar in national Growth and Development.  I thank all of you for your contribution in national cohesion and integration and the success of our college teams. Of course for the last two years unlike other years back our participation in sports was affected due to the Covid-19 pandemic but it couldn’t defeat the spirit of sportsmanship as we are fully getting back to sporting activities.
While it may not be possible to get all of you who helped our teams to do well during your stay with us, I wish to inform you that I am proud of you due to your contribution to the success of the sports department. You indeed worked hard to succeed both in the field and classroom. luck in your next adventure.